Change Log August 2021

Change Logs will be released monthly to let you know about new features, bug fixes, or other changes that have been completed in SignAgent in the past month.

  1. Fixed bug where, in some rare occasions, billing admins weren’t getting properly notified if there was a failed charge.
  2. Fixed bug where fields could not be rearranged on some sign type forms.
  3. Made it so you can not delete the last state in a project, or the last project in an organization. This resolves a number of bugs and other unusual behaviours on both web and mobile.
  4. Fixed bug where some location exports weren’t scaling markers correctly.
  5. Fixed bug where some braille translations were still including leading commas for capitalization.
  6. New hover feature on review icons to indicate who performed the review action and when it was performed.
  7. Implemented AWS Global Accelerator for improved performance overseas
  8. Lots of behind the scenes work on some big upcoming features! Stay tuned!