Change Log January 2021

Change Logs will be released monthly to let you know about new features, bug fixes, or other changes that have been completed in SignAgent in the past month.

  1. New Enterprise Feature: Single Sign-On (SSO). This allows for users of large organizations to log-in to SignAgent using their existing credentials. Interested? Contact for a quote.
  2. Made improvements to alignment commands to improve accuracy in edge cases (especially in right-to-left languages)
  3. More broad support of right-to-left languages.
  4. The file drop-zone in the comments section now allow for multiple files at once.
  5. Reviewers (or state-specific users) can now download individual pieces of artwork for a greater detail view.
  6. Waved an enthusiastic goodbye to 2020.

Lots of big things in the works, especially around the artwork and fabrication aspects of SignAgent! Stay tuned!