Change Logs will be released monthly to let you know about new features, bug fixes, or other changes that have been completed in SignAgent in the past month.
Web Application
- Added ability to upload multi-page PDFs for location plans
- Added notifications to organization admins when a license is switched or changed
- Improvements to re-arranging of elements in the left-hand sidebar
- General Server Maintenance and Upgrades
- Fixed bug on hover when artwork is still generating
- Fixed bug in location plan comparison where heavy lines in previous plans would show up as black instead of red
- Fixed bug where empty tags were locking the search function
- Fixed bug where viewers could only see comparison plans
- Fixed bug where navigating from the paywall would not take you to invoicing page
- Fixed bug where importing a new location plan would move the location out of its folder structure in the left-hand sidebar
Mobile Application
- Added ability to edit field contents within the mobile application, including Message, Repeating Message, and Details fields.
- Fixed bug where editing the organization name in the web application wouldn't immediately be reflected in the mobile application