Change Log March 2020

Change Logs will be released monthly to let you know about new features, bug fixes, or other changes that have been completed in SignAgent in the past month.

  1. Major update: Customizable reports are now available within SignAgent! This includes
    1. Ability to rename reports
    2. Ability to add custom headers and footers
    3. Ability to customize report body, including images, fonts, and content
    4. Ability to limit artwork/photo sizes
    5. Ability to scale artwork in reports
  2. Major update: Added OCR capabilities, which will automatically search for message text within attached photos for signs. You can also use the replacement {detected_text}
  3. Added 2FA for security purposes
  4. Added ability to auto-number by organization
  5. SVG templates can now use commas as a decimal separator
  6. Importing sign types from another organization will now run in the background, so the task will not time-out your browser
  7. Changed location editing and adding so that you can no longer add BOTH a PDF and exterior location
  8. Fixed bug where certain portions of SignAgent were not appearing or functioning properly when using a VPN
  9. Fixed bug where reviewers were getting a permission error if they clicked on the Project Name in the dashboard
  10. Fixed bug where reviewers were getting an inaccurate view when clicking on the Organization Name in the dashboard
  11. Fixed bug where fractional line leading values were not rendering accurately
  12. Fixed bug where you could scroll past the end of the page slightly, giving ugly visuals in a few places within SignAgent
  13. Learned about "social distancing" and started working from home.