Change Logs will be released monthly to let you know about new features, bug fixes, or other changes that have been completed in SignAgent in the past month.
- Major update: Customizable reports are now available within SignAgent! This includes
- Ability to rename reports
- Ability to add custom headers and footers
- Ability to customize report body, including images, fonts, and content
- Ability to limit artwork/photo sizes
- Ability to scale artwork in reports
- Major update: Added OCR capabilities, which will automatically search for message text within attached photos for signs. You can also use the replacement {detected_text}
- Added 2FA for security purposes
- Added ability to auto-number by organization
- SVG templates can now use commas as a decimal separator
- Importing sign types from another organization will now run in the background, so the task will not time-out your browser
- Changed location editing and adding so that you can no longer add BOTH a PDF and exterior location
- Fixed bug where certain portions of SignAgent were not appearing or functioning properly when using a VPN
- Fixed bug where reviewers were getting a permission error if they clicked on the Project Name in the dashboard
- Fixed bug where reviewers were getting an inaccurate view when clicking on the Organization Name in the dashboard
- Fixed bug where fractional line leading values were not rendering accurately
- Fixed bug where you could scroll past the end of the page slightly, giving ugly visuals in a few places within SignAgent
- Learned about "social distancing" and started working from home.