Changelog April 2021

  1. New feature: Fabrication Script. This script can be used in Adobe Illustrator to process and prepare SignAgent artwork SVG files for production.
  2. New feature: Repeat Alignment in Templating. This feature allows you to align repeating messages to other repeating messages in other rows.
  3. Fixed bug where some PDFs were not able to be rendered and displayed properly within SignAgent
  4. Fixed bug where sign counts in the left-hand sidebar weren't being appropriately updated when signs were created or moved into zones.
  5. Fixed bug where reports with no currency would crash
  6. Reports will no longer complete if some artwork is unable to be rendered
  7. Fixed bug where any filetype could be added to visuals or custom markers.
  8. Fixed bug where the sign list would not load fully after saving signs.
  9. Fixed bug where Manage Messages page would revert back to page 1 after making changes
  10. Fixed bug where the Location Comparison warnings wouldn't disappear after returning to the Current Location.
  11. Fixed bug where additional period characters in location plan files names would cause reports to fail.
  12. Fixed bug in SCIM implementation with edge case around email provisioning.
  13. Fixed bug where period character in language names would cause errors.
  14. Fixed bug where adjusting the order of repeating messages would break visual field thumbnails.
  15. Fixed bug where multi-line text was not rendering properly in repeating message artwork
  16. Improved caching performance in artwork generation
  17. Made performance improvements around permissions
  18. Minor spelling mistakes fixed around SignAgent
  19. Dealt with backyard flooding (maybe that just was just me)