Fields Inherited from Location

Location, Location, Location

You can use SignAgent to automatically assign messages,  symbols, or colours consistently across a location plan. Great for level identifiers on signs, colour-coded levels in a parking garage, or floor-specific logos.

1. Create Your Field

Screenshot of a field in SignAgent.

First, go to the Manage Fields page and click the "+ new field" button (not shown)

Then, create your field as usual, specifying if it's a Message or Details field,  choosing an appropriate Field Type, and adding to Sign Types as needed.

Then, before Saving , make sure you choose the "Inherited from Location" checkbox. This means that, instead of this value being chosen individually on each sign, you'll choose it once per location instead.

You can also modify existing fields to be inherited from location, but you should be sure they don't have contents already!

2. Set your Field Value

Screenshot of the steps needed to add your field values..
  1. Go to the "Edit Location" page by right-clicking on a location name in the left-hand sidebar, and choosing Edit.
  2. Go to the "Inherited Field Values" tab.
  3. Here, you'll see a listing of all of your fields that are Inherited from Location. When you change the values in here, it will update all signs using that field within this location plan.
  4. Don't forget to Save!



You'll see that the appropriate Level Colour has automatically been applied to the Level Colour field on this sign. Complete!