Importing Data from Excel

Looking to kick-start your SignAgent project, or looking to supplement it with new data? This tutorial will teach you how to use SignAgent's Import feature to import NEW data from an Excel Sheet.

Note! You will not be able to complete this process yourself and will need to send the completed excel file to 

Note that this won't work to update existing data in SignAgent (so changing messages or other info for signs that are already in SignAgent). It's just for importing new data (for now).

1. Set up your Excel Document


The first thing you should do is move or adjust your columns to match up with our template, found here: Import Template (SignAgent)

To download this for your reference, select File/Download As.../Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

Column A: Project - Put the project name in here. If the project name matches a project already in this organization, it will put it in that project. If not, it will add a new project with that name.
Column B: State - Put the state name in here. If the state name matches a state already in that project, it will put it in that state. If not, it will add a new state with that name.
Column C: Location Short Code - Put the location short-code in here. If the location code matches a location already in this organization, it will put it in that location. If not, it will add a new location with that name.
Column D: Sign Type Short Code - Put the sign type short-code in here. If the sign type code matches a type already in this organization, it will put it in that sign type. If not, it will add a new sign type with that name.
Column E: Number - Put the sign's number in here. If this field is left blank, SignAgent will automatically assign it a number, based on your auto-numbering settings.
Column F: Quantity - Put the sign's quantity in here. If this field is left blank, SignAgent will assign this a quantity of 1.
Column G/H: Latitude/Longitude - If you want the sign to be placed on the world map, enter latitude and longitude coordinates. If either of these are blank, the sign will just be placed at the top-left corner of the appropriate location.

Message Fields: You can insert as many or as few columns as you need for message fields here, and you can customize the names to be whatever you need. These fields will start at Column I, underneath the header of "Message Fields"

Detail Fields: You can insert as many or as few columns as you need for detail fields here, and you can customize the names to be whatever you need. These fields will start at underneath the header of "Detail Fields", whatever that column happens to be.

2. Import Excel Document

Send the completed file to Our team will email you when the import has been completed. This typically takes 2-4 business days.