Order up!
This tutorial will discuss the steps to placing an order through SignAgent. You will now have the ability to place and see an order through to install, right within your organization! Please see the steps listed below to creating an order state.
1. Create a new state
Begin by right clicking on the desired project and select "New State"
Note: If you are looking to create an order from a state with existing signage, please see this article.
2. Select "Order" in the State Identification Stage
In the dropdown menu under Type, select "Order" to begin the order process
3. Input the Designated Information
- Name: Name of order state (if this is an existing state, it will be automatically filled in)
- Details: Any internal details to be included in the description of the state
- Start Date: If you have a beginning date of the project you would like to track, you can input it using the calendar options available here
- End Date: If you have an end date of the project you would like to track, you can input it using the calendar options available here
- Sort: You can choose whether or not to have this state visible on your dashboard by checking this box
- Type: Indicate what type of state you are creating- in this case you would select order
- Manager: This is the email of the individual who is placing and controlling the order for approval
- Actions: You can indicate what actions you would like to include in the order
- Include Signs: include all signs within the order
- Include Installation: include install stage within the order
*Once all information has been inputted, you can now save the state
4. Edit the New State
Click on the new order state to complete the order information
5. Input Order Information
Save: You have the ability to save the information in progress- this will not place the order but it will save any information that has been inputted until that point
Order Name: This content will be automatically generated based on the order information
Shipping Address: Intended for the designated shipping address for the signs
PO Number: If applicable
Billing Address: Address related to the billing information for the order
Request Delivery Date: Option is available to set a desired delivery date for the signage
Manager: Email applicable for the individual organizing the order
Builder: Assigned individual to receive the order approval notification. This information cannot be edited at the moment and will be filled out in the next page.
Currency: Available currency: CAD and USD
Delete: You have the option to delete the order if needed
Submit: If you are satisfied with the order, you can continue to submit for processing
6. Viewing Order Content
- Panel View: This option allows you to select how many artboards you would like to view at once
2. Remove Artwork: The option to remove artwork is available by selecting the "X"
7. Removing Artwork
Any artwork removed from the order will appear in a window on the bottom screen as shown in the image below
Great! You have successfully submitted an order for review. Please view this article to review how to navigate your artwork within an order.
Once the order has been approved by the Builder, you can purchase the order by following the steps in this article. (link here)
Note: Once signs have been placed for order, they cannot be edited.