Working with Budgets and Currency

Setting up budget tracking in SignAgent is really easy.

  1. Set Project Budget
  2. Set Sign Type Unit Cost
  3. View Overview Page

1. Set Project Budget

  1. Right click (Control + Click) on Project
  2. Select: Edit
  3. Enter the amount in the Budget field
  4. Click the Budget tab
  5. Enter budget
  6. Select currency
  7. Press: Save (not shown)

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The amount enter will be budget line in the Budget graph on the Project overview page.

2. Set Sign Type Unit Cost

  1. Right click (Control + Click) on Type
  2. Select: Edit
  3. Enter amount in Unit cost field
  4. Press: Save (not shown)

   sign budget

The amount entered will be added to the sum of signs specified and is represented as current_cost line in the Budget graph on the Project overview page.

3. View Overview Page

  1. Right click (Control + Click) on Type
  2. Select: Edit


You will see live updates when you adjust your budget or unit costs.