Headers and Footers

If someone asks you to explain soccer to them, just say it's mostly headers and footers

A header is an area (with or without content) at the top of each page.

A footer is a similar area at the bottom of each page

1. Header/Footer Height

The overall size of your header and footer is determined in the Document Setup page. In this example, my header and footer are both 1 inch tall, with 0.5 inch margins on either side.

See more info on Document Setup here: Document Setup

2. Header Contents

The header is a great place to put useful information about the organization that you're working in or this particular report. You can put static text in here, or use replacements to reference data from your specific organization in SignAgent.

Here's a list of replacements you can use in your headers:


3. Footer Contents

The footer is a great place to put summary info or other information about the report itself, like a company logo or page numbers.

Here's a list of replacements you can use in your footers:


4. Document Preview

When you're done customizing your header and footer, make sure to Save, and then check to see how they look in the document preview.

Note that the document preview is a great place to see what the report is basically going to look like, but if you want a fully accurate preview, you should download the Sample PDF. You can see more information on this here: Document Preview (coming soon)